Project 1, coloring the Prokudin-Gorskii Photo Collection

About the project

The goal of the assignment is to take the digitized Prokudin-Gorskii glass plate images, and combine them into colored images. The images are taken in black and white, but each image is taken with a red, green, and blue filter. In order to do this, we need a method for automatically aligning the images, and then combine them into a single colored image. The method need to work for all images.

My method

For the small images, I used a simple method. First, I cropped the edges in all three images to remove the borders, which often consits of black ares and/or noisy parts. Then, to account for the fact that the images use three different filters, resulting in different brightness values, I normalized the pixel values. That makes it easier to compare the images, as the pixel values are now insensitive to the overall brightness level.

I then iterated over a displacemnet of -15 to 15 pixels in both x and y direction, and calculated the sum of squared differences between the images. I used the blue image as the image to compare the other images to, but that was random and I could have used any of the images. The displacement with the smallest sum of squared differences was then used to align the images. Instead of using a rolling function, which will move an edge pixel to the other side of the image, I made a function that moves all pixels in a direction (up, down, left or right), and then put zeros in the spots we are moving away from. If f.ex. the function is called with a displacement of 3 in the x direction, all pixels in the image will be moved 3 pixels to the right, and zeros will be put in the leftmost 3 columns. This make more sense, as I do not think it make sense that any pixels should be moved to another side of the image. I then also put zeros in the corresponding pixels on the other image, as these pixels should be temporarily ignored. Finally, I combined the three images according to the optimal displacement, and removed the part where only one or two images had a value. The result for the small images were quite good, and the images aligned well.

Because the method were successfull for the small images, I used the same method for the larger images. However, I had to implement an image pyramid so that I could search over more than -15 to 15 displacements without the computation time becoming too large. A larger displacement space was necessary because the images consist of more pixels. The image pyramid works by recursively downsampling the images with a factor 2 four times. When the function is at the coarsest level, the function searches for the optimal displacement in a -15 to 15 pixel range in the downsized image. It then return this displacement, which is then used as a starting point to search for the optimal displacement in the next level. This is repeated until the function is at the original image size, and the optimal displacement is then used to align the images.

I think the result for the large images were generally really good. However, for one of the images, the Emir, the red version is way out of line with the other images. I think this could be becuase the coursest level for some reason finds a wrong optimal point, and that when the function then starts searching for the optimal displacement in the next level, it is searching around a wrong point. This could be because the coursest level is simply too coarse. One solution could be to downsize the image one less time. However, as I wanted to implement some bells and whistles, I instead implemented an edge detector. The edge detector works by using sobel filters to give each pixel a value based on the gradient of the image intensity, effectively giving each pixel a value based on how much of an edge it is. I then used the same method as before, but instead of comparing the pixel values, I compared the edge values between one default image and one image that is moved. This worked really well, and the result for the Emir image was much better. For the rest of the images, the result was generally the same as before, but the edge detector made the images look a bit sharper.

Low resolution images

Chatedral colored. Red disp: (3, 12). Green disp: (2, 5).
Monastery colored. Red disp: (2, 3). Green disp: (2, -3).
Tobolsk colored. Red disp: (3, 6). Green disp: (3, 3).

High resolution images using RGB pixel values.

Church colored. Red disp: (-4, 57). Green disp: (4, 24).
Emir colored. Red disp: (-465, 385). Green disp: (24, 49).
Harvesters colored. Red disp: (13, 124). Green disp: (17, 61).
Icon colored. Red disp: (23, 89). Green disp: (17, 41).
Lady colored. Red disp: (12, 115). Green disp: (8, 56).
Melons colored. Red disp: (13, 179). Green disp: (11, 85).
Onion Church
Onion Church colored. Red disp: (36, 108). Green disp: (27, 51).
Sculpture colored. Red disp: (-27, 140). Green disp: (-11, 33).
Self Portrait
Self Portrait colored. Red disp: (37, 177). Green disp: (29, 79).
Three Generations
Three Generations colored. Red disp: (11, 112). Green disp: (14, 55).
Train colored. Red disp: (32, 89). Green disp: (6, 44).

High resolution images using edge detector

Church colored. Red disp: (-4, 58). Green disp: (4, 25).
Emir colored. Red disp: (40, 107). Green disp: (24, 49).
Harvesters colored. Red disp: (13, 124). Green disp: (17, 60).
Icon colored. Red disp: (23, 90). Green disp: (17, 42).
Lady colored. Red disp: (13, 120). Green disp: (9, 56).
Melons colored. Red disp: (13, 177). Green disp: (10, 80).
Onion Church
Onion Church colored. Red disp: (35, 107). Green disp: (25, 52).
Sculpture colored. Red disp: (-26, 140). Green disp: (-11, 33).
Self Portrait
Self Portrait colored. Red disp: (37, 176). Green disp: (29, 78).
Three Generations
Three Generations colored. Red disp: (8, 111). Green disp: (12, 54).
Train colored. Red disp: (29, 86). Green disp: (2, 42).

Images of my own choosing

Fish colored. Red disp: (32, 120). Green disp: (24, 51).
House colored. Red disp: (-35, 142). Green disp: (-16, 35).
Wondering colored. Red disp: (36, 77). Green disp: (22, 39).